by Linda Taylor petsitter | Feb 2, 2015 | 100 Days of Answers to Pet Owners Questions, Blog, Dog Behavior
Question from a local dog owner: How do I stop my newly fixed dog from humping the furniture and other dog? He did not do this before getting fixed. Karen of Positive Praise answers: The humping has nothing to do with being fixed. It is not a sexual thing. It...
by Linda Taylor petsitter | Jan 31, 2015 | 100 Days of Answers to Pet Owners Questions, Blog, Dog Behavior
Potty training tips from Karen at Positive Praise Schedule 5- 20 minutes after eating, dogs will have to poop. Keeping them on a regular eating schedule (no free feeding) will help you know when it is time for them to go out. As you are housetraining, limit their...
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