Pet First Aid and CPR
Carolina Pet Angels sitters are Pet First Aid & Pet CPR trained through the Pet Tech program. We have adopted this high standard in order to provide our clients with the greatest piece of mind and their pets with the greatest care possible.
Training topics include:
- Rescue Breathing
- Choking Management
- Bleeding Protocols
- Shock Management
- Fracture and Limb Injuries
- Poisoning
- Heat Injuries
- Cold Injuries
- Seizures & Convulsions
Training is available to pet owners and pet professionals
Sign up to increase your knowledge and self-confidence to provide immediate, emergency care for your pet. Participants receive a training manual and certificate upon successful completion. This is perfect training for pet owners, pet sitters and pet groomers.
Cost: $80
Length: 4 hours
Location: Holly Springs
- Class dates: To Be Determined
Additional class information can be found here.